Thursday 12 February 2015

Work Diary - Shoot 2


After shoot 1 I looked at my mind map to see what other aspects of evidence I could shoot. When I saw evidence of addiction I thought I could show this well through a studio shoot using various props which relate to addiction, so I thought wine bottles and pills would work well for this. A positive aspect of this shoot is that I moved the props around a lot in order to create a lot of different compositions. This was beneficial as I was able to choose the best ones from a large variation. I enjoyed moving the props around as I could use my creativity to create real looking scenes. Using the studio for this shoot rather than location was an advantage as I really liked the kind of feel the dull lighting gave to the image, and the plain table and background allows us to focus of the content of the image rather than the surroundings. I like the way reflection is shown in a lot of the images as the light reflects well off the bottles.

A negative of this shoot would be that I did not move the studio lights around for each different composition. Because of this some of the images came out quite dull, while others came out very bright with a lot of reflection. Another negative is that in quite a few of the photos you can see the edge of the table and the edge of the background. In some of the images this does not effect the image but in some of the, it ruins the feel of the image and distracts attention away from the content of the photos.

I really like the composition of this image I had taken during shoot 2. At first I had placed both bottles upright, but I wanted to experiment with different compositions so I decided lay one of the bottles down. I really liked the way this looked and how it made the scene look more realistic and natural. Also, it allowed the pills to be seen close up and clearly, while at the same time showing the top of the bottle. Reflection from the light can be seen in this image in the bottles, which I like about the picture. The different pills vary in colour which adds interest to the image, and contrasts well against the plain light table. Shape is shown clearly in this image as the outlines of the bottles can be seen clearly against the white backdrop, and the outline of the pills is clear as their colours stand out against the surface. If I was to make an improvement to this photo I wouldn't take it so close up, so that I could include a bit of blank frame space at one of the sides. This would allow more of the bottles to be visible, and although the objects would be off centre, they will still be focused on as the background is so plain. 

I am not so keen on this image which I had taken during shoot 2. The backdrop does not fill up the whole frame so the wall can be seen, which ruins the feel of the image and distracts attention away from the objects in the frame. Also not a lot of the bottles are visible in the frame, so it is not as obvious what they are. If I was to improve this image I would include the full length of the bottles, rather than only the bottom of them,  as this one looks as if it has been cropped. Despite these negatives, I like how the objects are off centre and only take up half the frame. Clear shape is shown as the outline of the bottles and pills are visible due to the contrast between them and the plain white background. A nice light reflection is also visible in the bottles.


If I do another studio shoot I would make sure I adjust the lighting depending of the angle I was taking pictures from. This would enhance the quality of the image. I would also make sure the backdrop fills the whole of the frame so that the edge is not visible, as this ruins the look of the images. I want to continue to do more photography using props as I enjoyed creating a life like scene. Rather than shooting props in the studio, I might try shooting some props in a location which relates to them, as the surroundings may add to the overall image.

The photos below are examples of the kind of evidence photographs I would like to create in a future shoot. I want to shoot different props like i did in shoot 2, but this time on location rather than studio. I think that this could create some good images as, like the images below, the surroundings actually add to the evidence. In the studio the background and surroundings are plain.

I like the composition of this image. Because the window is on one side we can see visible highlights on that side of the bottle, and shadows on the other. This makes the form of the bottle very clear. In the surroundings we can see a lot of broken parts and rubbish, which adds to the evidence of abandonment and passing of time. 

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