Monday 23 February 2015

Defining Evidence

Dictionary Definition: the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Words to describe/ to do with evidence: Reflective, conclusive, supporting, proof, witness, clue, sign

The image above shows clear evidence of abandonment. I like how the prop and the location both look dirty and uncared for rather than the prop alone, as it makes the overall image look more effective. It also makes the main focus of the image, abandonment, clearer for the viewer. Something else I like about the image is the way the ray of light brings our attention to the doll so that this is what we focus on. Lines can be seen in the window frame and shape is shown in the dolls eye, as the colour contrasts against the lighter face. I like how the dolls face is off centre so that we are able to see some of the surroundings which add to the sense of abandonment in the photo. Overall I quite like this image, and this that it is an effective but also eerie example of evidence.

This photo shows evidence of addiction. I think that the blurring is very effective and really adds to the result and overall look of the photo. It also shows depth as the background of he image is very out o focus, indicating distance. The fact it is black and white allows us to focus more on the content of the image rather than colour, yet also adds to the negative feel of the image. Shape is clearly show as the white pills contrast against the dark surface. Lines and texture can be seen in the table, as well as the reflection of the pills. I quite like this image, because of the blurring and the angle it has been taken from.

This image shows evidence of abandonment or vandalism. The first thing I noticed about it was the bright colours. They contrast against each other but also against the background, as it is plain and black. Depth is visible as the train becomes smaller, darker and more out of focus in the distance. Shape is shown in the form of the graffiti but also the train itself. Something I noticed about this image is that all of the lines are directed at the same spot. The outlines of the train, the yellow line on the ground and the line of lights are all pointing in the same direction. This works effectively to emphasise depth. I like this image for that reason.

This image shows evidence of abandonment or human life. I like how the shoe at the front is more in focus than the one at the back as this suggests depth. The further away from the shoes we get, the more out of focus the image becomes, and the way the shoes are off centre allows us to see this. Lines can be seen in the form of the laces and the fence, and the shape of the shoes is visible as the white rubber sole contrast significantly with the dark wood.

My own definition of evidence: physical information which implies whether something is true or not.

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